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HD Ranger+ ATSC場強儀


HD Ranger+ ATSC場強儀
The HD RANGER+ ATSC is a universal field strength meter that covers a comprehensive mix of broadcast standards around the globe. The latest developments in broadcast technology such


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HD Ranger+ ATSC場強儀

HD Ranger+ ATSC場強儀

The HD RANGER+ ATSC is a universal field strength meter that covers a comprehensive mix of broadcast standards around the globe. The latest developments in broadcast technology such as ATSC, DSS, QAM Annex B (DVB-C/S/S2 also included) with MPEG-2 as well as MPEG-4 video are managed effortlessly within the product.

One of the most noticeable and stunning features on the new HD RANGER+ product is the ultra fast spectrum analyser. As soon as you use the analyser you will experience this outstanding feature as one of the major changes we have adopted in the new product allowing you to sweep faster and more accurately.

The introduction of the latest technology within the product allows you to displaymultiple screens either overlapped together or in a 7” split screen format.


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